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Best Valorant Crosshair Codes for Every Agent

Written by Henry Jackson

Enhance Valorant Gameplay with Precision: Discover Crosshair Codes for Better Aim, Style, & Accuracy. Customize Your Crosshair for Victory!

Many valorant crosshair codes are available for weapons and agents; you can find all these codes with different settings that can improve your gameplay. If you want to improve your aim, style, and accuracy, this article is for you. This article will discuss each code: the dynamic circle, custom shape, or simple dot.


If we talk about the Valorant, it assists in accuracy, strategy, and precision. Crosshair is an essential part of the game; it is a marker that enables you to see your bullet, exact aim, or in which direction your bullets will go.

Once you adjust it accurately, it can make your performance mind-blowing because you will be able to control recoil and can easily understand various situations. But it is also true that Valorant’s current Crosshair is not for all players, and to adjust accordingly, you can make some differences by changing color, opacity, shape, and size.

What is the best option for you and your Crosshair, and what is the optimal Crosshair for each weapon and agent? How can you share or copy-paste the valorant crosshair codes with your teammates or adopt other players’ crosshair settings? This article will address all these answers and how to apply the Crosshair settings.

Crosshair Basics

When you shoot, the Crosshair lets you see where the bullets go. It is a composition of various elements like outline, center dot, etc., and all these elements can be changed accordingly; for example, you can change opacity, length, color, and much more.

If you want access to the settings, you can open the Valorant app with the help of ESC, and then you can click on the Crosshair tab. There is also a Share button, which allows you to receive and send codes. Valorant crosshair codes contain specific numbers and letters that can change the current settings.

Best Valorant Crosshair Codes

Crosshair is very important because your performance, aim, confidence, and everything depend on the right Crosshair. This is why the topic of crosshairs has so much importance. It is also true that Crosshair varies from player to player; indeed, one Crosshair cannot suit each player.

Just like pizza with pineapple topping is different from what everyone likes, the same goes with Crosshair; one has to find the Crosshair that suits their confidence, aim, and accuracy. You can also experiment by choosing various crosshairs and keeping one that suits you. The whole game depends on the right selection of Crosshair, who chooses it wisely!

Crosshairs for Duelists

Those agents who specialize in fights and getting more kills are called Duelists. Many strong skills are attributed to such agents, like self-sufficiency and aggression. Most of the time, they are initiators because they provide their teammates with space and opportunities. They have more powers than other agents, such as survival, high mobility, and damage. You can play a better game if you have a better crosshair.

Some Effective Valorant Crosshair Codes that are Good for Duelists are as Follows

Crosshair Code for TenZ 

He is regarded as one of the great players. His main duelists consist of Jett, Reyna, and Yoru. If we talk about his Crosshair, it appears as a small green dot with a thin outline. This Crosshair is regarded as clear, simple, and accurate, enabling him to hit accurately with any weapon. And his code is 0;P;o;1;0t;1;0l;1;0o;0;0a;0;0f;0;1t;1;1l;1;1o;1;1a;0;1m;0;1f;0.

Crosshair Code for TenZ

Crosshair code for Shroud 

0; P;o;0.166;0l;7;0o;4;0a;1;0f;0;1b;0 he plays Valorant casually and is regarded as a pro of CS: GO and a famous streamer. If we talk about his main duelists, they are Phoenix, Raze, and Neon. Unlike TenZ, his Crosshair is white, without any dots or outlines. His Crosshair is very smooth and comfortable, which helps him aim.

Crosshair Code for Wardell

0;s;1;c;o;d;m;l;o; a;b. He is one of the expert players and belongs to TSM. He is popular for his skills with an Operator sniper rifle and plays Jett as his main duelist. His Crosshair consists of small cyan dots without outlines. Sniping is optional because it does not distract or opaque the view.

Crosshair Code for Asuna

0;s;c;o;d;m;l;o; a;b. He is also an expert player who belongs to the group 100 Thieves. His style is very aggressive and flashy, and if we talk about its main duelists, they are Reyna, Yoru, and Raze. His Crosshair has a dot that is pink and small without an outline. If you want a close-range fight, it is your best choice for codes.

Crosshairs for Controllers

Agents that are experts in controlling areas are referred to as Controllers. Their abilities are unique and unmatchable; for example, they can make their enemies slow, create cover, and even block vision.

They are also called anchors or support because they can assist their team members in many tasks, such as defending and executing a site. They also have creativity and high impact, which is the backbone of their team.

Crosshair Codes

The advantage of being a controller is to have a better crosshair. If you talk about Crosshair, it is a tiny marker that shows the aim of your bullets. It assists you in better aiming and adjusting according to the situation. It can adjust according to your style and needs.

For Controllers, Some Codes are Very Important to Know

Code for cNed Crosshair

0; P;o;1;0t;1;0l;1;0o;0;0a;0;0f;0;1t;1;1l;1;1o;1;1a;0;1m;0;1f;0 cNed is referred as an expert player and he belongs to the Acend group. His main controllers are Astra, Omen, and Viper. His Crosshair is a small, green dot, and its outline is thin. If we talk about this Crosshair, it can be called clear, precise, and simple, enabling you to have an accurate shot without any specific weapon recommendation.

Crosshair code for L1NK 

0;s;c;o;d;m;l;o; a;b is also an expert player and belongs to Team Liquid. His main controllers are Astra, Omen, and Brimstone. If you talk about his Crosshair, it is a white dot without any outline. It is simple, comfortable, and has a smooth aim. It also does not require any specific weapon to execute.

Crosshair code for Nats 

0;s;c;o;d;m;l;o;a;b belong to Gambit Esports and an expert player. His main controller is Viper, and he is popular for his unique skills and abilities. His Crosshair is a small dot that is yellow without an outline. It is favorable and desirable for Viper because it does not interrupt her red decay and green poison effects.

Code for Leo Crosshair

0;s;c;o;d;m;l;o; a;b. He belongs to Fnatic and is an expert player. His main controller is Astra, and he is very popular for his stellar performance and clutch plays. His Crosshair is tiny and a blue dot without an outline. This is the best option for Astra, as it lets him concentrate on his stats and gravity wells.

Crosshairs for Initiators

As the name implies, they are the initiators of fights and openings. They can collect information, cause chaos, and damage enemies. They can enter a site as initiators and make their enemies blind, clear angles, or even force them to get out of their line. They have high pressure, impact, and utility, making them an essential play part. To become an initiator, it is essential to have a good crosshair. 

Some famous and effective codes specifically for initiators are discussed below:

Yay, Crosshair Code

0;P;o;1;0t;1;0l;1;0o;0;0a;0;0f;0;1t;1;1l;1;1o;1;1a;0;1m;0;1f;0, this is the code for Yay. He belongs to the Envy group and is a professional player. Breacher, Skye, and Sova are his main initiators. If you see a tiny green dot with an outline, you should understand that it’s Yay. Using any weapon, Yay always hits accurately because his Crosshair is precise and clear.

Crosshair Code for Jamppi 

0;s;c;o;d;m;l;o;a;b. Like Yay, Jamppi is also a VOLRANT player. He is professional as well and a part of Team Liquid. His main initiators are KAY/O, Sova, and Skye. A tiny white dot without any outer lines is his Crosshair. It is comfortable, consistent, and small, through which, using any weapon, he can aim easily.

Crosshair Code for skRossi 

0;s;c;o;d;m;l;o;a;b. He is a member of the Vivo KeyD team and a professional player. His major initiator is Sova, and he is famous for using Hunter’s Fury abilities. A tiny yellow dot without any outer lines is his Crosshair. This Crosshair is the best for his initiator as it allows him to aim arrows perfectly.

Crosshair code for Derke

0;s;c;o;d;m;l;o;a;b is Derke’s code. He belongs to team Fnatic and plays the game as a professional. His major initiator is Skye, and his gameplay is famous for being aggressive. A small dot without any outer lines is his Crosshair which allows him to keep his seekers in focus and is ideal for his initiator.

Crosshairs for Sentinels

The agents specializing in defense and backing up their teammates are called Sentinels. Their skills include reviving dead players, healing their teammates, delaying the enemies, and setting traps. They mostly form the last defenses and can strongly defend the site, recapture the taken site and later keep it secure. They are also well known for their teamwork, patience, and being extremely aware, thus making them trustworthy.

Crosshair is a tiny marker that focuses on the enemy for shooting. A good crosshair means a good chance of aiming perfectly, as it can help in aiming better, adjusting in different situations, and controlling the recoil.

Every player prefers Crosshair differently, as the same is only good for some. Crosshairs can also be customized in the settings panel and approaching the crosshair settings. Besides others, the most important feature of a sentinel is having a good crosshair.

Crosshair Code for Hiko

0; P;o;1;0t;1;0l;1;0o;0;0a;0;0f;0;1t;1;1l;1;1o;1;1a;0;1m;0;1f;0 He belongs to 100 Thieves team and plays the game as a professional. His main sentinel is Sage, and he is very famous for his great aiming qualities. As crosshairs are not the same for all and players have different preferences, so is the case with Hiko; he prefers a green crosshair with a very thin circle around it. Using this Crosshair, he can aim perfectly with any weapon as it is perfect for aiming and precisely hitting the target.

Crosshair Code for Hiko

Crosshair Code for Life

0;s;c;o;d;m;l;o;a;b is code for Life. He belongs to the Vision Strikers team and plays the game professionally. His main sentinel is Killjoy, which helps him achieve the best use of it as he is famous for his excellent use of gadgets and abilities. As it is with other players, he prefers a tiny dot of white color without any outer line, as his Crosshair helps him aim smoothly and precisely using any weapon.

Crosshair Code of Haodong

0;s;c;o;d;m;l;o;a;b is code Haodong. He plays in Team SMG and plays the game as a professional player. His major sentinel is Cypher, and he is known for his information-gathering and trapping ability. A small yellow dot without any outer lines is his Crosshair which is perfect for his sentinel and helps align the camera with complete precision.

Crosshair Code of Nobody

0;s;c;o;d;m;l;o;a;b is the code for Nobody. He is a member of the Paper Rex team and plays the game professionally. His main sentinel is Sage, and he is famous for being an aggressive game player. A tiny blue dot without any outer line is his sentinel, which is the best for his sentinel and is very helpful for healing and reviving abilities.


What is TenZ Crosshair Code?

The code for TenZ crosshair is 0;P;o;1;0t;1;0l;1;0o;0;0a;0;0f;0;1t;1;1l;1;1o;1;1a;0;1m;0;1f;0. Tyson “TenZ” is one of the best Sentinels and plays the game professionally.

What are the Best Valorant Crosshair Codes?

An absolute answer to the question does not exist, as different players have different preferences for the crosshairs depending upon their vision, gameplay style, and personal liking. Some guidelines which must be followed are that the Crosshair must be simple, easily visible, and consistent.
Different shapes, colors, and sizes can be experimented with for the purpose, and one that is best suited must be selected. The most commonly used crosshairs by professional players are listed on the website.

What is the Code for PRX Crosshair?

PRX stands for Paper Rex, a professional game player from Singapore. The players on the team are Forsaken, Mindfreak, Benkai, D4v41, and Jing. The valorant crosshair code of each player on the team is listed on the website.

How do you Make a TenZ Crosshair?

As mentioned, TenZ is one of the best sentinels in the world. And to make his Crosshair yours, you can copy his valorant crosshair code and paste it into your game settings. A guide to doing this is given below:
Copying TenZ’s crosshair which is: 0;P;o;1;0t;1;0l;1;0o;0;0a;0;0f;0;1t;1;1l;1;1o;1;1a;0;1m;0;1f;0
Look at the top right corner of the screen, where you will see a wheel-like icon. Click on it, and this will open the settings menu of VALORANT.
From the settings, look for the “Crosshair” tab and then look for the “Import” tab, which would be at the bottom of the screen.
Then paste the copied code of TenZ in the text box and click on the “Import” button.
After clicking the button, a crosshair should appear on your screen, which can be adjusted to make it more convenient.

Final Analysis

A good crosshair is a big game-changer in the game. It will improve your performance and aim and can easily track enemies. Its settings can be adjusted easily. Crosshair varies from player to player; it is optional that one Crosshair can suit all of them. To get a better crosshair, one must explore it rightly and always match it with your needs and style.

So, in this article, we learned the best valorant crosshair codes for each agent and weapon. Jett, Sova, and Sage each have crosshairs with different qualities. Some codes are used by famous people, players, and streamers. In Valorant, it is easy to see other codes, and you can adjust accordingly. So, it is time to find your perfect Crosshair to level up your game. And you can also get clear aim and accuracy through Crosshair.

About the author

Henry Jackson


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