
Wotlk Mining Guide: Best Class and Profession Pairs for Mining

Written by Henry Jackson

Mining is a primary profession in wotlk and is undoubtedly one of the best as it is the key to providing raw material for end-game content. In this wotlk mining guide, we will tell you how to increase the potential of mining by pairing it with the right profession and class.

Why Careful Pairing is Important?

In the World of Warcraft, profession is everything, you can not make gold or level your character if your profession is incompatible with a class. You can choose any of the 9 primary professions but, you will not be able to survive the game if you are not taking advantage of the other available professions and classes.

 For instance, if you are in Player vs Player, having the right gear to inflict damage on the enemy is very important. So what would you choose in this situation?  Engineering + mining with hunter or warlock?

A pro player will go with Hunter with the engineering and mining, otherwise, there would be consequences. Although there is no perfect profession or class as each has its weaknesses, if you pair them right, you have a win-win situation.

Wotlk Mining Guide: Best Professions for Pairing

Mining is a gathering profession and provides ores in the Wrath of the Lich King. These ores are very useful for crafting professions but not all crafters can take full advantage of the benefits of the ores. However, Engineering, Jewelcrafting, and Blacksmithing are three primary professions that rely on mining for most of their recipes.

There are three ores specific to the Northrend Cobalt, Saronite, and Titanium, I have included detailed information about all the wotlk mining routes to mine these ores in our other article. You can find these ores mine them and smelt them to make bars which are basic ingredients for making most of the weapons, armor, and sockets used by many classes.

Wotlk Mining Guide: Best Class and Profession Combos

If you pair mining with one of the previously mentioned professions, you can create a unique pairing by choosing the appropriate class. Below are some that I admire the most while making a mark in the Wotlk.

Hunter- Mining/ Engineering

Mining provides engineering the base for bombs, scopes, and guns along with other gadgets that are used by hunters for their ranged attacks. All damage supplement is crafted by engineers. But that’s not all, if you have a Hunter class, it would be easy for you to farm gold and mine as the class can take away mobs.

The pets with hunters can act as tanks and beat off the enemy while you survive and mine. If any mob is preventing you from mining, Feign Death which tricks the enemy into ignoring you can be beneficial.

Therefore, Hunter is one of the best suited for the mining and engineering combo but hold a little as we have more to cover.

Best Race / Class / Profession Combinations for Gold Making by Samadan

Rogue- Mining/ Engineering

Rogues have the ability to inflict damage and they use most of the wotlk engineering items in the combats. Hyperspeed accelerators, Nitro Boosts, and Frost Grenades can provide countless benefits to rogues in both PVP and PVE.

 It is obvious that engineering trinket recipes need ores but they can be expensive so you can choose mining to make this profession a little cheaper. Also, rogues normally spend a lot of gold to get arsenal if they are not paired with the right professions so it is only wise to have this trio in when you start playing Wotlk.

Moreover, as a mining professional, mob encounters are very normal and rogues can provide you with Stealth, Blind, and Vanish to avoid mishaps. This trio is also a good option for earning gold in wotlk.

Mining/ Jewelcrafting and rogues are my second option to choose. Jewelcrafting provides rogues with incredible gems like Fractured Dragon’s Eye and mining goes with jewelcrafting for obvious reasons. This pair can also make plenty of gold through weekly quests and pickpocketing so it is a sure combo for many players.

1.1: Rogue- Mining/ Engineering

Paladin- Mining/Jewelcrafting

Paladins’ specialty as a healer, damage dealers, and tanks can be benefited further by jewels.  If you are a protection paladin, Dragons’s Eye can grant you 63+ stamina. Whether you are retribution, protection, or holy paladin, there is always something you can do for mining.

Protection paladin can pull mobs and inflict AoE damage while retribution can do DPS damage and smaller pull of the mobs so that your mining goes uninterrupted.

paladins are also very pro in gold making so are the jewel crafters as the jewels they make have high prices at auction houses.

Moreover, we can not forget to mention that all ores required for wotlk jewelcrafting come from mining.  Therefore, If you have this profession and class combination at your disposal, nothing can beat you.

Warrior- Mining/ Blacksmithing

Mining and Blacksmithing is a perfect primary profession pair if you are playing as a warrior class in wotlk. Mining provides ores and blacksmiths can make Armor, weapons, and gem sockets to increase stamina. As warrior is the plate-wearing class they can take advantage of the blacksmithing to gear up for high-level content.

Warriors also have boosts and Blade storms which make them invincible when it comes to mining and gold farming. Additionally, if you want to go for warriors as miners and engineering or jewel crafters, it is a great choice. you can use Saronite bombs, Titanium goggles, and a Mine Amplification dish to enhance stamina by 45 or get three powerful BoP gems.

Warrior- Mining/ Blacksmithing
1.2 : Warrior- Mining/ Blacksmithing

Druid- Mining/ Engineering

The wotlk mining leveling can use the Druid’s ability to fly without mounts to mine ores, especially in mountainous zones. leveling will be very convenient and faster to get to the ore nodes in the Northrend. Druids can also help you farm and mine in the open world when the zones become more crowded.

Druids on the other hand rely on engineering/mining to get useful consumables, tools, and booms to get ahead of the enemy during combats. However, if you want to go for blacksmithing, you can use two bonus sockets for gems. You can use these professions for any Druid specialization.

Death Knight- Mining/ Jewelcrafting

Death Knight brings speed to the table when it comes to mining farming and gold-making. Death Knight can use engineering for Nitro Boosts for enhanced speed so you can move faster and mine more ores in a short time. However, when we pair it with jewelcrafting, you can expect a big stat addition.

Also, if you mine the ore and use Jewelcrafting to make epic weapons your death knight will blow minds during the Wotlk.

Death Knight- Mining/ Jewelcrafting
2.1 : Death Knight- Mining/ Jewelcrafting

Final Analysis

Now that you know about the best classes for the wotlk mining leveling profession, you can explore your options and go with the best suited for you. Every class and profession has some unique properties to use in combats, raids, gold making, and making the high-end content in the wotlk.

However, it is advised to go for an overall best profession. Engineering is the ultimate choice for many players, but it is only good if you have a second mining profession and one of the classes I mentioned previously.

Mining itself is a versatile profession that does most of the independent work as it does not need to make any recipes but it certainly delivers for others therefore, it can go with one of the best classes in wotlk for maximum leveling.


What is the best profession for raiding in Wotlk?

The best raiding profession is the one that makes armor. We have Blacksmithing, leatherworking, and tailoring which can provide instant success in PVEs.

Which is the best profession for hunters in wotlk?

Engineering is the best profession for hunters as it is the source of weapons, bombs, and boosts. However, engineering is also a very expensive profession because engineering items are highly priced at auction houses. Therefore, if pair it with mining to craft your arsenal and use it for hunter class.

What is the easiest class in Wotlk?

Druids and paladins are very easy to learn if you have just begun your journey in the World of the warcraft.

Which is the best class for mining in wotlk?

Mining goes tank classes for stamina boost or you can choose druids if you want to level mining faster because this class has the ability to fly without any mount. We also have rogue, hunter, and paladin because of their abilities that make mining easy and keep the mobs at bay.

What is the best way to farm gold in Wotlk?

Mining is the best bet to make gold because it is a very resourceful character. It saves you money by providing ores to crafting professions to make gadgets which can be very expensive if bought from auction houses. It also allows you to sell ores and smelted bars for making gold.

About the author

Henry Jackson


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