How To Solar Panels

How do Solar Panels Work, and Why do You Need Them

Written by Henry Jackson


Solar panels, an amazing innovation to convert readily available sun energy to electrical energy, are a way to get you clean, low cost and renewable energy. They make your life easy in multiple ways. You can generate your electricity without buying from a utility company; you can sell the excess energy to the grid to earn cash, and your electricity bills are cut down the cost. You can use their electricity in multiple ways, like in the day when they produce electrical energy directly from solar energy, and at night, you can use the stored energy stored in the daytime when panels produce excessive energy.

Now the question is, how do solar panels work? What are the important working steps, and why do we need the solar panels? Also, why do we need to go solar nowadays? Let’s explore the answers to all these questions in detail.

Procedure Of How Do solar panels work?

 solar panels work
2.1: Procedure Of How Do solar panels work?

They have special small cells called photovoltaic cells. The meaning of photovoltaic cells is that cells can convert light energy into electrical energy, and the material they are made up of is silicon, a good semiconductor. The photovoltaic cells are usually in a sandwiched form in which both sides have a different electrical charge. When sunlight gets in touch with the photovoltaic cell, it hits the cell and expells the loose electrons that cause current by their movements, and this current goes to metal plates, and then wires and ultimately, the wires send this current to the battery.

While installing solar panels, a converter is used to convert the direct current (DC) to alternate current (AC). We can’t use the DC directly to power our house as multiple devices use AC. You can also store the DC if you have a battery for later use.

Why do you need solar panels?

 need of solar panels
3.1 :Why do you need solar panels?

Now, the question is, why do we need to go solar? Why do we need to say goodbye to our traditional water electricity or fossil fuels electricity? There are multiple reasons for that. 

  • One reason is that water and electricity are costly and you have to pay heavy bills using them. 
  • The second reason is that generating electricity from water and fossil fuels causes fossil fuel burning and gas emissions, ultimately leading to environmental pollution and increasing carbon footprint. 
  • The third reason is that while generating electricity from the water, excessive water consumption causes a water shortage problem for humans and animals and ecological habitat destruction. 
  • Similarly, buying fossil fuels to generate electricity cause a heavy burden on the economy of a country.
  • Water and fossil fuel energy are non-renewable, while solar energy is renewable.

So, considering these factors, it’s evident that going solar is a wise decision, and we should take this decision to save our environment, economy, home, budget, and health. 

need solar panels
3.2 : Why do you need solar panels?

If you also do not know about the selection, buying and installation the solar panels, here are some brief details:

  • First of all, identify the suitability of your home for solar panels. You can do it manually or using some tools such as EnergySage etc. Also, determine how much energy is your annual requirement to power your home. 
  • Then research and compare the best brand’s solars in your area. Compare their prices, efficiency, size, style, and durability and choose the best for your needs. Also, consult with a reputable installer and follow the instructions carefully. 
  • Now you have to decide to opt for an option out of three available options to pay the cost of a solar panel. The first option is you can pay in cash form. The second option is you can take a loan or lease; the third option is to sign an agreement called PPA, a power purchase agreement. 
  • The fourth step is the installation of your solar panels. Consider a well-professional installer, seek necessary approvals and permits, do planning, and install panels and rackings to support the panels. Install inverters and batteries and connect your main electrical system. Check the whole system and attach it to the main grid. As a finishing touch, one can optimize the positioning of an xcv panel to harness sunlight effectively and boost energy production if they chose to use it.

How to go solar?

4.1 :How to go solar?

Now the question is how to go solar. It’s relatively easy due to the available technology. Multiple programs are qualifying them so you can adopt solar panels easily and feasible, such as:

  • One program is The Federal Solar Investment Tax Credit. This program compensates 26% of your annual taxes with solar panel installation costs. 
  • The second option is the state and local incentives and rebates. These incentives may vary from state to state. Suppose you want to know more about them. In that case, you can consult online resources such as Desires, a good platform for USA citizens and others to know about the ongoing and latest policies about renewable energy resources.  
  • Another policy is net metring. According to this policy, a solar system owner can sell the excess energy that he produces by his solar system back to the grid and earn cash or reduce his electricity bills. 


How do solar panels work step by step? 

The solar panels consist of a large number of cells called photovoltaic cells. These cells capture direct light from the sun and generate direct currents. This direct current is converted into an alternate current to power our homes, offices, or communities or may store in batteries for later use. 

How does a solar panel work function? 

Solar panels convert solar energy into electrical energy through photovoltaic cells. This energy is used in the replacement of the electrical energy that you use from a utility company. This energy is renewable, clean and cost-effective. Solar panels make you less dependent upon other fossil fuel or water electricity. 

How does electricity flow in a solar panel? 

It depends upon the photovoltaic effect caused by the hitting of solar light to the solar panel, and it cause the movement of loose electrons that ultimately create direct current. Later this current is converted into an alternate current by a converter, or it can also be stored in the batteries. 

How do solar panels store energy? 

Solar panels can’t store energy. They produce energy directly from the sun, but you can store the excessive energy in the batteries. This excessive energy can be used at night or in high electricity needs, or you can sell it back to the grid at the current retail rate. 

Final Analysis

Solar panels provide clean and renewable energy, but buying solar panels is a good investment. You can use the energy, store it for later use, or sell it back to the grid. Solar panels reduce your electricity bills, environmental pollution, your dependence upon fossil fuels, and save extreme water consumption for electricity generation. In this way, they save the ecological habitats as well. They lower the carbon footprints. But how do solar panels work? They capture solar light in their photovoltaic cells and convert it into electrical light. This electrical light is a direct current converted into an alternate current using an inverter. Along with using solar panels to produce electricity, you can store or sell it to the grid. 

About the author

Henry Jackson


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