
PTPlace: Diving Into An Industrial MarketPlace

Written by Henry Jackson

PTplace is an industrial marketplace available to distributors. The main feature of this platform is to provide a way to handle customer needs. If you need any branded industrial goods, this is your place as it is an all-in-one service network for product availability, online transactions, and order status. You can reach PTplace anytime as they provide a 24/7 service.

To better understand PTPlace, consider it an internal mall where multiple companies open their store, except these stores are only linked to industrial goods, such as belt drives, bearings, and seals. These products are vital components of heavy machinery. This e-commerce website offers authorized distributors the convenience of ordering mechanical products. This article will give you a detailed idea of how and what to expect from PTPlace.

Keynotes About PTplace

Here are some keynotes about the services of PTplace.

  • Is a project of premium industrial brands
  • Have a diverse range of products
  • One mall for many solutions
  • Connect distributors to manufacturers
  • Make the purchase process more convenient

Let’s Take a Look AT PTplace’s History

In 2001, four manufacturers of industrial products came together to build an online marketplace to allow distributors around America and Europe to purchase their products. These products include bearings, electric motors, steel-cutting tools, belt drives, and more.

This business-to-business exchange was developed by four companies, initially including Rockwell International Corporation’s Milwaukee-based Rockwell Automation unit, Timken Co. Ohio, a Germany-based Schaeffler KG,  and a Swedish manufacturer  SKF Group.

John Stevens, SKF USA Inc.’s vice president for logistical services, said that the distributors have been looking for a single platform to enter the order. He further said, “This unit is not for bidding against each other as it’s all separate stores within a mall as several clothing retailers stand to take advantage of increased traffic within a shopping center.”

PTplace’s History
1.1 : Let’s Take a Look AT PTplace’s History

How Many Stores are Available at PTplace

Multiple store availability further expands the product selection and ordering. when you visit the official website of PTplace, you can log in or create an account to access the stores and place an order. Here you can launch any of the available stores to order the mechanical components you want. Here is the list of available stores and their products on PTplace.

DODGE Industrial Inc.

Dodge is a global industry with mechanical power transmission solutions to empower facilities. Couplings, Mounted bearings, Gearing, Conveyor components, bushing and hubs, and Belted drives, all are available in the store. You can also access the CAD files and get detailed information about a specific product such as part number, weight, description, and more.


It is a Garmany-based company and one of the initial partners in PtPlace. They deal with FAG Tapered Roller Bearings. These bearings solutions are for almost 60 different industries including, vehicle, aerospace, and production machinery. You can log in to start shopping at the store available on PTplace.


SKF also deals with industrial components of heavy machinery. They have a wide range of bearings and housing, seals, and power transmission solutions. Everything is available under one roof and you can now download your invoices anywhere on your order status page no matter how you placed the order.


You can explore Timken resources from the PTplace store and see the product catalog, 3D and 2D drawings, automotive aftermarket catalog, and more. Timken specializes in Ball Bearings that are used in various industries, such as AP Bearings for Industrial Applications and Vehicle Bearings.

Master Power Transmission

This is a relatively new inclusion in PTplace. Master Pt’s inventory is now available on the e-commerce website and customers can check the availability of a specific component, order it, and track the order.

 PT Place Product Detail Page has a New Outlook

The PTplace product page has improved navigation and it is better detailed than the previous one. Now you can type a part number to get relevant information.

The CAD drawings and pricing of products as well as catalog filters are available that provide options from similar product families.

The pricing page is also enhanced and provides net pricing, discount multiplier, and discount symbols. All these improvements on product pages make PtPlace more accessible and easy to navigate.

 PT Place Product
2.1 :  PT Place Product Detail Page has a New Outlook

What Is CoLinx LLC?

CoLinx LLC manages the PTplace and was founded by the same four companies. In 2006, Gates Belts also acquired shares in the ownership of Colinx. The aim behind this was to attain a better delivery of products and information for rapid business growth. Colinx manages the following operations shared by some or all the Owners.

  • Warehousing
  • Freight bill audit and payment
  • Assembly
  • US foreign trade zone
  • PTplace web malls in North America
  • Kitting
  • System to system connections between the manufacturers, distributors, and carriers.
  • Packing and Transport
  • CoLinx Critcital expedited shipping and Cross-docking.

Final Analysis

PTplace serves a noble purpose by making industrial purchases handier for businesses that strive to grow. Navigating through this platform lets distributors explore multiple options and operations.

Now customers do not have to call the customer service of several companies to acquire the product or component they need. Besides, they can just log in to Pt Place to check inventory availability, assembly time, order, and get the product on time.

PTplace also has the option of finding local distributors, CAD resources, and customer services.


What is PtPlace?

PtPlace is an online marketplace made by four companies to connect distributors and manufacturers of industrial components. This e-commerce website is a mall with multiple branded stores that offer various mechanical components and assembly of mechanical products.

Who Owns PtPlace?

PtPlace is owned by four companies, Timken, Dodge, Schaeffler, and SKF, and came into existence in 2001. The aim was to build an e-commerce mall for industrial components so that distributors could order equipment with ease.

What does CoLinx make?

Colinx is an LLC that is owned by Timken, Dodge, Schaeffler, and SKF. It provides shared e-commerce and logistics services around North America.

What are the advantages of using PtPlace?

PTplace provides a system to system connection between the manufacturer, distributor, and carriers to maintain the flow of products. It made the purchase process easy by providing details about the product, pricing, and ordering process.

Where is the headquarters of Colinx?

Colinx has its headquarters in Greenville, SC. It also has warehousing operations in four US and two Canadian locations.

About the author

Henry Jackson


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