
What are the PUBG Controversies and Issues that You Should Know About?

Written by Henry Jackson


Developed by PUBG Corporation, PUBG: Battlegrounds is a very famous online game. It is a multiplayer game released in 2017 and has since broken all the records of most played games. It is also become the highest-grossing game on Steam which is an online platform for gaming on PC. According to some estimates, the average number of concurrent players in the game is 82,902. The peak concurrent players reached 696,000 in 2022. It also has a mobile version, which generated $2 billion in revenue in 2021. It was also the highest-grossing game in the same year. The game’s success can be measured by its about 30 million active users worldwide who play it daily. The numbers are very high in China, with 50 million daily active users. It is known as the Game for Peace in China.

Even though the game has proved extremely successful, it has also faced certain issues and controversies. Some technical issues have been glitches, cheaters and hackers, resulting in bad user experience and performance issues. But others have affected its accessibility and availability, such as bans imposed on it and legal battles in different regions. Most of these bans resulted due to the addictive and violent nature of the game. There were some other issues as well which have affected its reputation and reception by the public. These include portraying violence and loot boxes and the consequent social impacts. The article will explore some of these issues and controversies the game faces. Strategies and suggestions to counter these issues will also be given.

Technical problems and glitches

Technical problems
1.1 : Technical problems and glitches

The major issue faced by the game is technical glitches and problems. These include hackers, bugs, cheaters, lags, crashes and issues with the server. These issues have negatively impacted performance and user satisfaction.

Server Issues

When a huge number of players are playing the game, the game’s server can get unstable, overloaded or unavailable, which results in server issues. The loading can take a lot of time; connection errors or failure in matchmaking can occur due to server issues. For example, in 2021, the game’s servers suffered a global shutdown, and players could not log into the game for several hours.


The players can also experience delays in gameplay due to low frame rates or high latency; this issue is known as lag. The time taken for data transfer from the player’s device to the game’s server is known as latency. FPS is the number of frames being displayed on the screen. Low FPS or high latency can cause lags, due to which the movements and actions in the gameplay are slowed down. Consequently, the player can miss a shot or die suddenly, negatively affecting his progress.


Bugs are issues with game development, and they can result in unexpected actions and results. They can be glitches to gameplay failures. They can make the game stuck, or players lose their items etc. The fun of the game is ruined due to bugs.


Sometimes the game is suddenly closed, or its functions stop working, known as a game crash. The reasons for this can be corrupted files, memory leaks or overheating, etc. The game’s progress is lost, and the players are also at risk of losing rank. A game crash can also result in damage to the system.

Hackers and cheaters 

Some players try to gain an unfair advantage using certain software or methods. These players are called cheaters or hackers. They use software like speed hacks, aimbots, etc., to alter the game rules. These players can see through the walls, kill others instantly, or detect others’ locations. They are responsible for ruining the fairness of the game.

The players of PUBG have greatly criticised these problems and want the developers to address them. The developers also acknowledge the issue, and they have tried their best to address them with patches, updates and fixes. Yet some technical problems still exist. 

Legal disputes in pubg
2.1 : Legal disputes and bans

Another major issue the game faces is bans and legal battles in many countries. The primary reason for this is the violent nature of the game. Some countries which have imposed bans or where there were legal disputes are China, Pakistan, India, Iraq and Nepal, among others. These disputes and bans hinder the accessibility and availability of the game.


China is not only the biggest game market but has also faced strict censorship from its government. Conflicting with China’s social media and ethical rules, the game was banned in 2018. The developers resolved the issue by introducing an alternative for the Chinese market. They named it a peace game and added some patriotic elements. The violent elements of the game were also removed. For example, the blood was removed with green sparks. However, the new version was also not accepted without scrutiny. The authorities and the players criticised the game’s monetisation and content. Recently a new law has been passed in China regulating the time and money minors spend on online games, including the new version. The limits include spending not more than 200 yuan a month, not more than one hour on weekdays, and three hours on weekends on the game. 


The game’s mobile version has huge popularity in India, making it a major market. The first ban on the game came in 2020 due to rising tension between China and India. One hundred eighteen other Chinese apps were also banned in India. India declared the game a threat to its security and public order. The ban resulted in millions of players not playing the game anymore. The developers tried to resolve the issue by disassociating them from Tencent, a Chinese firm that developed the game’s mobile version. The developers also introduced a new version known as PUBG Mobile India, which would comply with local regulations, and the data storage would also be done within India. Despite all this, the game has yet to be approved for launch in the country, and the players use VPNs to access it.


Another country that banned the game for its violent content and the consequent psychological and social harm being inflicted is Pakistan. The country’s telecom authority banned the game in 2020, lifted a month later by a court decree questioning the authority’s powers to interfere in gaming. However, the authority issued a notice that it would monitor the game and would take action to counter negative impacts. A new tax will be imposed on the revenue generation of the game from Pakistan.


Nepal also banned the game for its violent and addictive nature in 2019. Nepal’s telecom authority instructed the internet service providers to block access to the game after the police requested a ban on the game owing to the deterioration of the mental health, education, and social life of its youth. However, after a group of lawyers challenged the ban, it was overturned by the Supreme Court. Nepal’s telecom authority has proposed a new law which requires online games to obtain a license from it before being allowed to operate in Nepal. The regulation aims at preserving the Nepali culture and preventing any harm done by these games.


The game was also banned in Iraq for being too violent. After receiving many complaints from civil society, the Iraqi parliament passed a resolution to ban these games. The decision was enforced by banning the game’s server access in the country. However, Iraq recently reached an agreement with Krafton by which the ban would be lifted. Krafton would now pay $10 million to fund education and healthcare in Iraq. A local version of the game would also be developed to make it follow Iraqi culture.

Ethical concerns and social impacts

social impacts
3.1 : Ethical concerns and social impacts

Another major issue was the ethical and social consequences of the game, as it shows violence. These include aggression, mental health problems, and desensitisation. Due to these concerns, the reputation and reception of the game were very much affected.


Exposure to violent content makes the youth vulnerable to emotions, or no emotional response at all is received; that’s called Desensitization. There have been researches that have proved that players have become less emphatic, compassionate and moral after they have played games that include violence. According to a study, it has been observed that playing a violent game for 20 minutes makes you less sensitive toward the injured or people experiencing poverty. Another study has suggested that playing it for 30 minutes makes you less tolerant and more likely to commit human rights violations.


These games also make you prone to violent behaviour, and you develop an aggressive and offensive attitude toward others. The studies suggest that the players of PUBG are more likely to indulge in verbal or physical conflicts. It is proved by a study by Anderson and colleagues that playing violent games makes your thoughts more aggressive. Similarly, a report by UNICEF has indicated that playing PUBG is linked with hate speech, cyberbullying, and radicalisation.

Gambling Addiction

Gambling Addiction is another ethical or social issue. It means too much indulgence in gambling practices inspired by the loot boxes in the game. These boxes are random rewards that give you power-ups and enhance game play. According to some studies, these practices in the game can lead to indulging in gambling and spending too much more money than intended. A study by Zendle and colleagues confirm that players are more prone to gambling and psychological stimulant to spend more. Recently, the European Union banned these loot boxes, which named them illegal gambling.

Mental health issues

Mental health issues are also linked with playing PUBG. Different mental disorders and problems are linked to playing the game. The issues include insomnia, depression, anxiety, etc. These all are severe issues that can hinder the well-being of the players. A study by Khan and colleagues found that playing these games is linked with following the tendency to be narcissistic and opting for isolation.

All the above-discussed issues are well-debated by academia, policymakers, and other stakeholders. Different recommendations, suggestions and opinions have been expressed by many of them. The social and ethical implications have been considered well due to these issues. Many countries have proposed certain restrictions and laws to counter these evils. For example, the loot boxes in the game were banned by Belgium in 2018. The players have also organised protests and started a campaign #FixPUBg in 2018. The purpose was to pressure the developers to make things better.


What are the problems of playing PUBG?

The problems of playing PUBG include technical issues, glitches, bans and legal battles, and social and ethical implications. Due to these problems, the game’s reputation, availability, and performance are affected. 

What do you need to know about PUBG?

Developed by Trafton, PUBG is a popular multiplayer game released in 2017. Since its release, it has become one of the highest-grossing games. The game aims to stay alive while fighting on an island where 99 other players are landed. The game has both mobile and PC versions available. The game has also been in NEWS for controversies, legal disputes, and bans.

Is PUBG haram in Islam?

The question has no definite answer as there is a difference of opinions between the scholars regarding this. However, it has been declared haram by certain Islamic countries and councils due to the violent content in the game. It has been declared haram by the Ulema Council of Indonesia, and other Islamic countries, such as Pakistan and Iraq, have banned the game for its violent content. 

What is the problem with PUBG Mobile?

The version developed for mobiles is called PUBG Mobile. It was released in 2018 and is one of the highest-grossing games. The features of both the PC and Mobile versions are the same, and there are some differences in optimisation in the mobile version. PUBG Mobile also faces the problems and issues faced by the PC version. However, some mobile-specific problems also exist, such as banning PUBG Mobile in India due to its association with a Chinese firm, Tencent. 

How PUBG affects students negatively?

There are many negative impacts of PUBG on students, such as mental health problems, attitudes that give rise to isolation and adverse effects on studies. Much research shows that playing PUBG can cause distractions for students and adversely affect concentration ability and creative sense. Other mental issues, such as depression, anxiety, or stress, are also caused by playing the game. It can also isolate the students from society and family. 

Is PUBG good or bad for students?

This question has no absolute answer as it varies how students play the game. The game offers both negative and positive effects. The positives are that the game allows learning teamwork, enhances critical thinking, and adds entertainment. However, the negative impacts on students are far more, as the game not only affects their physical and mental health but also is addictive and a great waste of time. Therefore, the game should be played while maintaining balance.

How PUBG affects youth?

The effects on youth are the same as on the students. However, youth is more at risk of being caught in the web of addiction, gambling due to peer pressure, and spending huge amounts on the game. The youth is also more vulnerable to cyber harassment. 

Final Analysis

Having millions players, PUBG is a multiplayer game. However, many controversies and issues have been attached to the game since its development in 2017. There are three main domains where the issues exist. Firstly, the technical issues that the players face. Secondly, bans and legal battles the developers have faced worldwide and lastly, the social and ethical implications of the game. These issues have greatly influenced the availability, accessibility, reputation, and reception of the game. While the developers have resolved many issues, there are some which are still existing. Considering all these issues and controversies, the players should play the game wisely and keep the balance.

About the author

Henry Jackson


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