
How to Survive and Win in PUBG: The Ultimate Guide for Beginners and Experts

Written by Henry Jackson


PUBG is among the most played games in the world. In the game, you and 99 other players land on an island where you look for weapons and fight with other players to become the last one to survive. It is more complex than it seems, as the game requires specific strategies, skills, and planning to win. The PUBG lite game guide is among the most played games in the world. The guide will explore the ways to win and survive in the will help professionals and beginners increase their chances of winning.

Everything that is needed to know about the game is explained in it. The best areas to land, the best way to loot, the most effective way to engage in the fight, the best way to avoid the blue zone, and the most suitable strategy to survive in the final circle will be explored. After going through this article, you will learn the techniques in pubg player count you can employ in the game and become the last man standing and having chicken dinner. It will also greatly help you to master the game and become a professional player.

How to choose a landing spot?

landing spot
1.1 : How to choose a landing spot?

When the game starts, you are required to jump from the plane and choose a landing site. Selecting this site is extremely important as this will directly impact your gameplay. A better place will enable you to be better equipped and give a strategic benefit. Below are some factors to be kept in mind when choosing the landing site:

The flight path: 

The plane appears on the map when the match starts, and a path is shown. This path reveals the most accessible areas. The players usually land near the course, whereas the regions far from the gallery are less crowded. If you prefer to jump into the action early in the game, you can land near the path; otherwise, choose a remote area.

The loot quality: 

This refers to the availability and level of weapons and tools in any area. Areas in the game differ in loot quality, which can be seen by hovering over the map. Mostly the sites ranked higher in loot quality are filled with many players and are highly contested. As most players prefer to land in those areas and get into the action as soon as the game starts, these areas are riskier than those with less loot quality. It depends upon you where you want to land. In hazardous locations, you will have action; in remote areas, you will have peace and a chance to employ different strategies to win the match.

The terrain and cover: 

These are the features of the maps in the game that impact the gameplay. Some areas have more terrain and cover, whereas others have more visibility. Suppose you want a tactical advantage and want to play the game strategically; land in an area with more hills, trees, buildings, and rocks. This will give you more places to hide and fight, but these areas also have unpredictability and complexity. Landing in a room with less cover will give you more simplicity and clarity. 

The above-discussed factors must be considered when choosing a landing area. This question has no absolute answer, as players have different preferences and playstyles. Selecting a landing area is not a decisive factor in your victory; it is just the beginning. 

How to loot efficiently and effectively?

loot efficiently
2.1 : How to loot efficiently and effectively?

When you land on the island, you have nothing in your hands to fight with. For fighting, you need to loot and look for pubg weapons to conquer and tools to help you survive. Some tricks and tips are discussed below to make your looting skill more effective:

Know what to loot: 

You must be aware of the items you need for the fight. Many things need to be more varied, and thus they must not be picked. Only look for the things that benefit you and can help you win the game. 

Know how to loot: 

Mainly three methods are used to loot: drag and tap, right-click and swipe, and single tap. The simplest among the three is the single tap, and you should always choose the simplest one. In this method, you tap the item you want to pick, which is equipped. However, the other two ways also have their advantages, such as the drag and drop method being the most precise, and the easiest one is right-click and swipe.

Know where to loot: 

The area where you want to loot depends on your preference and playstyle. Some prefer to steal in high-quality loot areas but have a higher risk factor. You can see the region having the best quality loot on the map. If you want to loot from the remote areas and stay safe, you can use vehicles, gliders, or boats to access them.

As mentioned above, those are some basic tricks to loot effectively and later try to win using the loot. 

How to move around the map and avoid the blue zone?

the map and avoid the blue zone
3.1 : How to move around the map and avoid the blue zone?

The play area in the game shrinks, and if any player stays out of the safe zone, he will start losing his health slowly. The area out of the safe zone is called the blue zone, and a player must avoid the blue zone to survive. Below are some tricks to follow to keep moving around the map and avoiding the blue zone:

Know the flight path and the safe zone: 

When you enter the match, a white circle on the map indicates the safe zone. The flight path tells you where to stay away from the blue location and which area must be avoided due to being highly contested.

Know how to use vehicles, boats, and gliders: 

These means of transportation make the player’s mobility faster. They can be found at different places on the island, used to move around the map, and used as weapons or covers sometimes. But it must be remembered that they make noise when driving and can alert enemies. 

Know how to rotate and flank: 

These techniques are beneficial in critical situations, such as when the enemy is attacking you or you want to take the enemy by surprise. Primarily the methods are used to escape an emergency and find a better location to retaliate against the enemy’s attack. But make sure that you are not pushing yourself too visible.

Following these tricks, you can easily avoid the safe zone and move around the map. This also enhances the chances of survival and victory.

How to engage in combat and win gunfights?

PUBG player count
4.1 : How to engage in combat and win gunfights?

Your success and survival depend on combats and winning gunfights in the game. There are some tips and tricks that you can follow to engage in combat and win gunfights:

Knowledge of your weapon and attachment: 

In PUBG, several weapons come with various attachments, such as shotguns, pistols, sniper rifles, etc. You need to be familiar with the weakness and strengths of each weapon with optimal range. You can also change the firing mode of weapons from single to burst. One important thing to know is that you need to know the suitable attachments for the guns according to the situation. For instance, you can use a bolt-action rifle for long-range sniping and a submachine gun for close-quarters combat.

Control of aim and recoil: 

Accuracy and damage output are affected by aim and recoil control. It would be best if you also aimed to shoot different body parts, such as the head, leg, etc. It must also be taken care that when you fire the weapon, move up and control this recoil should be done by you. Mostly the players attack the head or the chest to deal maximum damage and to maintain the recoil tools like grips or compensators can be used. 

Know your positioning and cover: 

Remembering your cover and position while you are fighting also holds vital importance. The game has many options where you can take outside and stay safe. These include trees, buildings, terrain, hills, etc. Ensure you use facilities, hills, and trees best when fighting. And ensure nominal exposure when fighting to avoid damage to yourself from enemy fire. Furthermore, try to position yourself on high ground to have a clear view of the enemies, and you should also try your best not to reveal your position to the enemies.

Know your tactics and strategies: 

When engaging in a fight, make sure you are using the best strategies and tactics, as they will significantly influence the output of the game. Using grenades, smoke grenades, and others must be used to deal with the enemy effectively. Use smoke grenades to escape and rush the enemies when reloading or healing. As already discussed, the game is not only about fighting. It is a game requiring high levels of skill and planning to win.

These tricks can help you defeat the enemy, become the game’s last survivor, and have a chicken dinner. The game’s great players use these tricks and tips effectively to ensure they are never defeated. 

How to survive in the final circle and get the chicken dinner?  

the final circle and get the chicken dinner 
5.1 : How to survive in the final circle and get the chicken dinner?  

The last circle is the most crucial and challenging moment, where you must fight enemies in a battelgame. In this situation, you need to be focused and calm at the same time. Use different strategies such as smoke and cover and play defensively. Never rush or get hyper, and always play carefully.

Terrain and buildings

You can use terrain and buildings for your safe cover, such as walls, trees, hills, rocks, etc. You can make smoke screens from smoke grenades to escape. It can also trap your enemies because it can create confusion by creating smoke that moves in uncertain directions.

Aggressive and defensive modes

Aggressive and defensive modes have advantages. For example, you can attack your enemy before they decide to do so, or later, you can wait for your enemy to take the initiative and then counter it accordingly. Both strategies come with advantages and disadvantages. If you play aggressively, it will give you kills and control, but you will also be exposed to more danger, and if you play defensively, it will assure your safety and uncertainty.

Solo or squad players

You must also be familiar with various situations to handle them quickly, such as facing solo or squad players. You should also know how to be safe in a fight with counterattacks.

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How do I become an expert in PUBG?

The foremost thing to become an expert is to practice, and during practice, you make many mistakes, and you overcome these mistakes over time. It would help if you also concentrated on suitable weapons and attachments with maps and strategies that fit according to the situation. Skills valuable in this regard are shooting, parachuting, looting, and surviving.

How do I aim better in PUBG?

Several factors affect aiming, such as recoil control, choice of weapons, bullet drop, and mouse sensitivity. You can control the recoil of your gun by pressing down your mouse while you tap or spray. You should also know the perfect attachments for the weapons you use according to the situation. You can practice getting better aim by turning on your custom and training modes. Aim Lab or KovaaK 2.0 are the tools that can also help get a better drive.

How do you stay alive in PUBG?

Finding a safe zone is significant in PUBG because having a secure location can protect you, and you will stay alive. You should know about using cover and terrain with inventory management, boosters, smoke grenades, etc. You should be aware of the open or blue zone. You should also develop strategies, such as hiding or flanking your enemy.

Who is the No 1 in PUBG?

XQF Paraboy is the no 1 PUBG player in 2023. He belongs to the Chinese team X-Quest F, regarded as the powerful team of PUBG. His name is Zhu Bocheng, and he has been awarded many awards and titles, such as PUBG Mobile Pro League 2021 China, PUBG Mobile Global Championship 2020, and many more. He is known for his best strategies and skills.

Final Analysis

The article explored all the significant aspects of the game, from landing to becoming the last one to survive. The best place to land, the best ways to loot and equip yourself, the best methods to move around the island while staying in the safe zone, the tricks and tips to fight when engaged in an encounter, and the best possible manner to survive in the final circle all have been described and discussed in detail.

If you want to master the game and have chicken dinner, again and again, following these guidelines can prove very beneficial. After following these, the game will not only offer you the thrill but also give you satisfaction by making you the winner. The guide is not only for novices in the game; the professionals can also greatly benefit from it as improvements are always required.

However, if you want to master the game and become a pro player, you can do this by repeatedly playing, practicing, and following the tricks and tips given by the most famous players of PUBG. Another way is to go through articles and guides written to improve the game or watch videos or streams by great players. This article will significantly benefit you in the game.  

About the author

Henry Jackson

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