Renewable Solar Panels

Top 10 Solar Power Project Countries and Cities in the World

Written by Henry Jackson


­There are many energy sources, one of which is renewable and affordable but also clean: solar energy. This can greatly help in reducing greenhouse emissions and countering climate change. It is a process by which sun rays are converted into electricity by installing solar systems or photovoltaic panels. The use of solar systems is increasing daily, and it is being widely installed in many countries worldwide. Are you aware that the European Union has set a target of achieving at least 42.5% of its total energy from renewable sources by 2030?

This article will discuss the 10 countries and cities leading the world in producing solar power according to the data for 2023. It will also shed light on the incentives that work as stimulants for achieving solar power. We expect you to learn and support solar power projects by providing you with the prevailing trends and conditions of solar energy globally.

China is the Leading Country in Solar Power

Solar Power Project
2.1 : China is the Leading Country in Solar Power

International Renewable Energy Agency names China the leading power in solar production with a huge capacity of 390 GW. Interestingly, this is more than the total production capacity of the United States, Japan, Germany, and India. Two-fifths of the total globally produced solar energy is produced by China alone.

Several factors are responsible for China’s development, including market demands, governmental policies, and technological advancements. Chinese goals for producing renewable energy are ambitious in the fourteenth Five-Year, Plan. It has set a target to meet 20% of its energy needs from non-fossil fuels by 2025. China is the world’s leading solar power producer, around 50% of the total produced solar modules are produced in China, and it is heavily investing in the sector for development and research purposes. Furthermore, growing energy demands and international pressures on China to reduce carbon emissions make the solar market huge. Below are some of the major solar energy projects and cities in China:

  • The Great Wall of Solar is the World’s largest solar park in the Ningxia Hui region. It’s officially called The Tengger Desert Solar Park and covers an area of about 1120 sq. Kilometres. About 600000 homes can be provided energy from this park, and its generating capacity is 2.2 GW.
  • Qinghai is The pioneer province of China that achieved the landmark of having nine consecutive days of renewable energy in 2021. The achievement was supported by solar and wind power. The total solar production capacity of the province is 12.4 GW.
  • Another megacity of China aiming to achieve carbon neutrality by 2050 is Shenzhen. Its installed capacity is 1.6 GW, considered one of China’s most solarised cities.

United States is the second-largest Country for Solar Power

Country for Solar Power
3.1 : United States is the second-largest Country for Solar Power

The US ranks second in the list. It has a generation capacity of 95 GW as of 2023, producing one-tenth of global solar power. The factors influencing the US for production at this large scale include governmental subsidies and incentives, corporate-level investments, and consumer awareness. The governmental policies in the States highly motivate consumers to install solar systems, including loans grants at very easy terms, solar tax credits, net metering policies, and discounts for solar consumers. 

Moreover, people are also becoming more aware of the economic and environmental benefits, of solar systems have been significantly reduced in recent years. Many private firms also invest in solar power to reduce their electricity bills and carbon footprint. The prominent among them are Amazon, Apple, Target and Walmart.

Below are given some examples of solar power projects in the States:

  • The largest solar power project in the US is The Solar Star Project, located in Kern and Los Angeles, with a capacity of 579 MW. Electricity generated from this park can provide power to more than 250000 homes.
  • The US state with the most generation is California, with a capacity of 30 GW. The state has set a goal of going carbon-free and shifting to clean energy by 2045.
  • The most solarized city in the US is Honolulu. It has a per capita installed capacity of 840 watts. The city’s climate is very friendly for solar production, and the city has also set the goal to achieve clean energy by 2045.

Japan is the Third-largest Country for Solar Power

Third-largest Country for Solar Power
4.1 : Japan is the Third-largest Country for Solar Power

As of 2023, the country with the third-largest production capacity is Japan. Its solar generation capacity is 74 GW. Its total generation is one-twelfth of total solar production globally. The influences on Japan’s solar production are high market demand, energy security, community involvement, and natural disasters.

 Japan is a country that is very much vulnerable to natural disasters. It faced a devastating nuclear incident in 2011, and earthquakes are frequent. Due to these disasters, Japan planned to do away with its traditional energy resources and shift to clean energy produced by renewable resources. The energy demands of Japanese markets are also very high, and solar energy is an option that suits the Japanese situation as it would not only reduce its costs but also cut down carbon emissions. Furthermore, collaboration at the community level has always been exemplary in Japan, encouraging local energy production.

Major solar projects and cities with solar power in Japan are as follows:

  • The largest solar park in Japan is The Komekurayama Solar Power Plant, with a capacity of 235 MW. The park is located in Kofu City, with an area of 314 hectares. It can power up to 80000 homes.
  • The area with the largest generating capacity is located in Yamanashi Prefecture, and its capacity is 1.6 GW. One-fourteenth of the total solar power is generated in this park. The area is highly sunny, making it suitable for solar generation.
  • If we talk about the most solarized city in Japan, it is Tokyo. Its installed capacity is 1.2 GW, and its rooftops and public facilities are mostly covered with solar systems. By 2030 it has a goal to reach a goal of 30% clean energy.

Germany is the fourth-largest Country for Solar Power

 Solar Power
5.1 : Germany is the fourth-largest Country for Solar Power

The country ranks fourth in Germany, with a generation capacity of 58 GW. Its solar power is one-fifteenth of global solar power. Its capacity is more than the combined capacity of Italy and India.

The factors influencing Germany’s solar production are public support, energy laws, and grid integration. Germany has enacted an act known as Renewable Energy Sources Act which promises a tariff to solar power producers for twenty years. 

The country is also investing in expanding the electricity grids to deal with the varying nature of solar energy. Most importantly, the Germans are extremely aware of the benefits of solar power, and many of the houses and business setups are meeting their energy needs from solar energy.

Below are some German cities having solar power and some major solar installations:

  • The largest park, with a capacity of 166 and a landmass of 162 hectares, is The Lieberose Photovoltaic Park. The facility is in Brandenburg and can provide electricity to more than 50000 homes.
  • The state is also the leading solar-empowered state in Germany, with a generating capacity of 7 GW, which accounts for one-seventh of total solar power in Germany.
  • The most solarized city in Germany is Munich. Its rooftops and public places are covered with solar systems, and the generation capacity is 1.5 GW. By 2025 it has a goal to be dependent upon clean energy.

India is the Fifth-largest Country for Solar Power

Country for Solar Power
6.1 : India is the Fifth-largest Country for Solar Power

With a solar power production capacity of 57 GW, India ranks fifth on the list of countries with the largest solar power. One-sixteenth of global solar power is produced in India. Solar power in both South Korea and Italy is less than in India. 

The factors influencing solar development in India are to counter climate change, population growth and energy demands, and rural electrification. With India’s growing population, its energy needs are skyrocketing as well. Its rural areas have little access to energy, and people living in rural areas demand power access. The best way to overcome these challenges and reduce carbon emissions is by producing solar energy.

Major projects and cities having solar power are as follows:

  • The largest solar park has a capacity of 2.25 GW, is located in Rajasthan over an area of 14000 hectares, and can provide electricity to 1.4 million households. The park is known as Bhadla Solar Park.
  • The state with the highest generating capacity is Rajasthan as well. Its total production capacity is 9 GW which accounts for about one-sixth of the total solar energy produced in the country. The climate of Rajasthan is also favorable for solar power generation.
  • The most solarized city in India is Bangalore, and it has a capacity of 1 GW. The rooftops and public buildings in the city are covered with solar systems. The city has set the goal of shifting 50% of its energy needs to clean energy by 2030.

Italy is the Sixth-largest Country for Solar Power.

Country for Solar Power
7.1 :Italy is the Sixth-largest Country for Solar Power.

The country in sixth place is Italy, with a total production capacity of 23 GW as of 2023. It is one-fortieth of global solar energy production. And it is more than the capacity of both South Korea and Vietnam.

Several factors that influence its solar growth are cultural heritage, high solar power potential, and feed-in benefits in the form of tariffs. The tariff scheme implemented in Italy pays the solar power users who feed the excess produced energy into the national grid.

The climatic conditions in Italy are also highly favorable for the abundant production of solar power. The rich cultural heritage of Italy motivates the people to preserve their culture and do as much as they can to deter the harm of fossil fuels. Thus, they are more inclined to use solar power.

Below are some major solar projects and urban centers:

  • The largest solar power park in Italy, having a capacity of 85 MW, is The Montalto di Castro Photovoltaic Power Station. Located in Lazio, the farm covers an area of 180 hectares and can provide electricity to more than 50,000 homes.
  • The region that leads the solar power generation is Lazio, which has a generation capacity of 2 GW, accounting for one-tenth of the total solar power generation of the country.
  • The most solarized city in Italy is Rome. The solar installations in Rome make up to 500 MW of electricity. She has set her goal to shift 20% of power generation to clean energy by 2025.

Australia is the Seventh-largest Country for Solar Power

Solar System
8.1 : Australia is the Seventh-largest Country for Solar Power

As of 2023, the country which is in the seventh rank for the production of solar power is Australia. She generates about 19 GW of electricity from solar systems, which is one-fiftieth of the total power produced by the world. And it is more than the solar power of both Spain and Vietnam.

The factors that act as stimulants for solar power generation in Australia are her goals for clean energy, plenty of sunshine throughout the year, and enough rooftops for solar installations. Australia’s abundant sunshine makes it ideal for solar power generation, as it has one of the world’s highest solar radiations per square meter. Furthermore, the rooftops where solar systems can be installed are abundant; roughly 3 million have solar systems installed. 

Moreover, the target set by her is also very ambitious, as she aims for 50% of cleaner energy generation by 2030 and zero carbon emissions by 2050.

Major solar installations and cities in terms of solar power are as follows:

  • The largest solar power park in Australia, with a power capacity of 275 MW, is located in South Australia, having an area of more than 800 hectares. It is called The Bungala Solar Power Project, and it provides solar power to 82000 homes.
  • The region that takes the lead in solar electricity generation is also South Australia having a capacity of 3 GW. The region has higher sunlight and an arid climate.
  • The country’s most solarised city is Sydney, where solar systems generate more than 1 GW of solar power. Most of which are installed on rooftops and public buildings. She also has a goal of generating 100% clean energy by 2035.

South Korea is the Eighth-largest Country for Solar Power

 Solar Power
9.1 : South Korea is the Eighth-largest Country for Solar Power

As of 2023, the country which is in the eighth rank in producing solar power is South Korea. She generates about 18 GW of electricity from solar systems, which is one-fiftieth of the total power produced by the world. And it is more than the solar power of both Spain and Vietnam.

The factors that stimulate solar power generation in South Korea are green development strategies, industrial demand, and government subsidies. The Government has set up a scheme that pays the producers who generate power and feed it into the national grid. Being an industrial country, it has great demands to meet the industrial demands, so solar power seems an attractive option. 

Moreover, it also has a green growth strategy in place where it is aiming for a 35% contribution of clean energy by 2040.

Major solar installations and cities in terms of solar power are as follows:

  • The largest solar power park in South Korea, with a power capacity of 300 MW, is located in Jeollanam-do, having an area of 4.3 square kilometers. It is called The Sinan Solar Power Complex, and it provides solar power to 100,000 homes.
  • The region that takes the lead in solar electricity generation is Jeollanam-do, having a capacity of 3 GW. The region has higher sunlight and an arid climate.
  • The country’s most solarised city is Seoul, where solar systems generate more than 1 GW of solar power. Most of which are installed on rooftops and public buildings. She also has a goal of generating 100% clean energy by 2050.

 Vietnam is the Ninth-largest Country for Solar Power

Solar Power
10.1 :  Vietnam is the Ninth-largest Country for Solar Power

As of 2023, Vietnam is the country in the eighth rank in producing solar power. She generates about 17 GW of electricity from solar systems, which is one-sixtieth of the total power produced by the world. And it is more than the solar power of both Spain and France.

The factors that stimulate solar power generation in Vietnam are low-cost modules, power shortages, and government subsidies. Vietnam’s electricity supply is far less than its demand, and to overcome this power shortage, solar power is the best viable option. Moreover, the affordability and availability of solar modules attract the population to install solar systems instead of traditional methods. 

Furthermore, the Government has set up favorable policies to promote solar power generation, such as feed-in tariffs, tax exemptions, etc.

Major solar installations and cities in terms of solar power are as follows:

  • The largest solar power park in Vietnam, with a power capacity of 420 MW, is in Tay Ninh Province, having an area of 540 hectares. It is called The Dau Tieng Solar Power Project, and it provides solar power to 320000 homes.
  • The region that takes the lead in solar electricity generation is also Tay Ninh Province having a capacity of 2 GW, accounting for one-eighth of total solar power production in Vietnam. The region has higher sunlight potential and flat terrain, which suits solar power generation.
  • Ho Chi Minh City is The country’s most solarised city, where solar systems generate more than 1 GW of solar power. Most of which are installed on rooftops and public buildings. She also aims to meet 20% of total energy needs using renewable resources by 2030.

Spain is the Tenth-largest Country for Solar Power

Solar Power
11.1 : Spain is the Tenth-largest Country for Solar Power

As of 2023, the country which is in the tenth spot for producing solar power is Spain. She generates about 16 GW of electricity from solar systems, one-seventieth of total solar power produced by the world. And it is more than the solar power of both France and Brazil.

The factors that stimulate solar power generation in Spain are grid parity, auctions arranged for renewable energy, and recovery from the economic crisis. Implementing competitive renewable energy actions has attracted foreign investors and locals to invest in the sector and produce solar power. 

Moreover, its recovery from the decade-long economic crisis is supported by solar power generation. Lastly, implementing grid parity is a highly attractive scheme, meaning that the cost of solar energy production would be equal to or less than the market price.

Major solar installations and cities in terms of solar power are as follows:

  • The largest solar power park in Spain, with a power capacity of 500 MW, is in Extremadura, having an area of 1000 hectares. It is called The Núñez de Balboa Solar Plant, and it provides solar power to 250000 homes.
  • The region that takes the lead in solar electricity generation is also Extremadura, which has a capacity of 3 GW, accounting for one-fifth of total solar power production in Spain. The region has higher sunlight potential and flat terrain, which suits solar power generation.
  • Madrid, where solar systems generate more than 1 GW of solar power, is the country’s most solarised city. Most of which are installed on rooftops and public buildings. She also aims to meet 50% of total energy needs using renewable resources by 2030.

Final Analysis

The transition in the energy sector is taking place rapidly worldwide. In the transition, the focus is on solar power generation, which is the most suitable method. The leading 10 countries show how beneficial and sustainable solar power is and how it can benefit in the future. 

Solar energy can replace the reliance on fossil fuels, the basic source of carbon emissions and rapid climate change. Following and learning from these role-model countries can ensure a sustainable and better world for the coming generations.

About the author

Henry Jackson


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