Riot Games have published Valorant, which is suitable for Windows. It is a 5v5 tactical shooter, which is character based. It has captured the attention of many players. It is essential to track Valorant stats for better gameplay. Firstly, it gives important details and facts about your gameplay, such as score, damage, death, headshots, etc. Secondly, it compares strengths and weaknesses, maps, matches, and more. Thirdly, you can also get an overview of your stats with your friends, enemies, and pro players. Fourthly, you can set your goals to improve your game.
How to download and install a Valorant stat tracker app on your PC
You can download the Valorant stat tracker app on your Personal Computer by following these steps:
Firstly, select a Valorant stat tracker app according to your needs. You may have options like Valorant Tracker, [Blitz], or Tracker Network; by comparing their advantages and disadvantages, you can install one.
Always go to the official page for the “Download Now” option. After downloading, run this program.
Install the app by following the instructions and agreeing to some terms and conditions. Select any folder and then create a shortcut.
Now, launch the app and log in.
How to use the app while playing Valorant and access the various features and functions

Follow these steps to get familiar with the app and get accessibility to different features and functions:
After launching the game, start your app. It will automatically run in the background and will sync your game data. It will keep running even if you minimize it.
To access different features and functions, you must access the overlay feature. It is a transparent layer on the top of the screen. Alt+Z is its shortcut key.
By navigation, you will see many features and functions with categories such as profile, match history, map stats, and trends.
You can use the functions even in the game. It will update you with information about your gameplay, like match stats, weapon accuracy, map callouts, and strategies. You can change your app’s settings according to your needs and preferences.
Examples of how the app displays your stats and information in real-time

Now you can watch your stats and news by these steps:
Scouting of Live Match:
You can watch the ratings and ranks of all other players. It will all appear on the overlay menu. It will give you the insight to analyze the performance of your enemies and teammates, and then you can adjust your settings according to it.
Stats of Agent:
It will allow you to see the agent’s stat you played. For example, deaths, headshots, damage, score, etc. You can also watch your win rate, MVP rate, and combat store. You can even filter these stats in your playlist.
Stats of Weapon:
It will give you an insight into your stat, such as kills, headshots, damage, and much more. You can also select your preferred weapon. You can also filter these stats, which will help you improve your gameplay.
Tips and advice on how to interpret and analyze your stats and information to improve your performance

If you want to improve your valorant ranks and gameplay , then you can follow these suggestions, and it will enable you to perform in a better way:
Always match your stats with other players of your rank. It will give you a reality check on where you stand with other players and insight into the areas you need to focus on and improve. Apps’s Trends feature allows you to see stats of many categories.
You can analyze video highlights match history to watch your performance. It will let you work on the areas you need to improve. This overview will improve your skills, such as attack and defense. You can also watch the details of each map by clicking Match History and Video Highlights.
Live Match and Pre-Match features allow you to prepare for each match. You can see your enemies’ rank, rating, and play styles. You can also share these details with your teammates to create strategies.
All these features allow you to set specific goals based on given information and stats. You can set your goals and how you can achieve those goals. Your goals can be to increase win rate, accuracy, MVP rate, and ratio. You can also set your damage by setting a limit. You can also master certain skills by practicing and playing more and more. More plating will make you explore tips and tricks you can use in your gameplay.
Is there a way to see your stats in Valorant?
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Final Analysis
Valorant stats help you in tracking and improving your skills so that you can become a good player. It lets you enjoy the whole game with many advantages. This stat tracker app lets you access different features and functions that give you access to many details and insights that can help improve your gameplay. By knowing each detail of your game, you can work on your weaknesses and become a pro player.
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