Solar Panels

Solar Panel Size Guide: How Big Do You Need?

Written by Henry Jackson

People planning to go solar always have a question: what size are the solar panels, or what size suits my needs? The answer to this question depends on your location, space, energy demand, and money-saving planning. 

Also, solar panel standard dimensions are different for the home or commercial solar installation. The solar panel size matters because you not only want to save the energy bills but also tend to reduce the upfront solar cost, hence it is essential to carefully analyze the size of your required energy system.

 In this solar panel size guide, we will explain everything you need to know about solar panel sizes so that you can choose the suitable dimensions for your project.

Factors To Consider While Deciding the Solar Panel Size

Solar panel dimension is not just a number game but there is more to it. You have to consider a few factors to analyze where your home or business stands in its energy demand. Here are some variables that can affect the size of your panel.

Energy Demand: You might encounter words like energy demand or consumption again and again because it is very important to not only decide the panel size but also manage the energy savings. If your energy demand is more then you will need more solar panels, it’s as simple as that.

Sunlight Availability: Climate in your region is another factor to add because it decides how much sunlight you will have. If you are living in Colorado, even fewer panels can produce more energy because they have more sunny days and direct sunlight but if you live in Illinois, your system may need to be bigger to meet the demand. 

Panel Output: Power output means the wattage of solar panels. The panels with more wattage and voltage produce more electricity than the ones with fewer wattages. Therefore, if you choose a high output panel you will need fewer panels to get the required energy and eliminate the bills. 

Solar Panel Efficiency:  panel efficiency means the percentage of light that converts into electricity when it strikes the panel. High-efficiency panels will provide more electricity per panel than low efficiency. These days panels with 17%-23% efficiency ratings are available. Choose high efficacy to get more energy in a lesser size. 

What Are The Most Common Dimensions of a Solar Panel? 

Regardless of the size of your panel, the PV panel’s dimensions remain the same, 6 by 6 inches. These cells are either laid out in a 10-inch grid or a 12-inch grid. 

Also, there are two most common sizes, with 60 PV cells or 72 PV cells for homes and 72 or 96 cells for commercial panels. 

Further, the dimensions of 60 cells residential solar panels are 39 by 65 inches 

72-cell residential or commercial solar panel dimensions are 39 by 78 inches

96-cell commercial solar panel dimensions are 41.5 by 63 inches. 

The dimensions of a solar panel also depend on the material, brand, and type of the solar panels such as monocrystalline, polycrystalline, or thin film.  It also depends on how much is your roof area and the sunlight it gets on a normal day. 

Considering all these factors to get the solar panel standard dimensions for your home is the wisest way to start the uses of solar energy journey as it makes sure you are saving money at every step of the process. 

Solar Panel Size Chart: Let’s Dig A Little More

This solar panel size chart will give you a proper insight into the average solar panel dimensions used in most American homes and commercial properties. 

Average DimensionResidentialResidential or CommercialCommercial
Width (in.)393940-41.5
Length 657863-72
Solar Cells607296
Solar Cell size6×66×66×6
Energy Production270-440270-440315-550

This is just an estimated data, the exact measurements will vary depending on the factors we mentioned above. You can find all sizes from small portable solar panels to 128-cell industrial ones.

For instance, SunPower solar panels are 61.3 by 51.2 inches and generate 420-400 watts of energy.

Solar Panel Size Chart
1.1 : Solar Panel Size Chart: Let’s Dig A Little More

Solar Power Calculation Formula

Another way of finding out the solar panel size dimensions for the system is by the solar power calculation formula. Generally, solar panels can produce 250 to 400 watts of energy but some may exceed the number, based on this you can find out your potential energy output. 

In America, energy consumption is 867 kWh per month. This amount of production requires 6.5 kW of solar array or 20 to 25 solar panels to cover the average consumption.

If you have no idea about your monthly or annual energy demand, check the utility bills to find out. From these numbers, you can easily estimate the number of panels. 

For example, 19 6 kW solar panels are required to produce 9600 kWh. 

To be more specific, you must know the hourly energy needs, the peak sunlight hours your system will get, and the panel W. 

Hourly energy needs X Area’s Peak Sunlight÷ Panel W. 

However, if it feels hectic to find out all this information yourself, contact your energy provider so they can break it down for you. 

How Much Do Solar Panels Weigh?

In addition to the dimensions and size of solar panels, people are also often concerned about the weight of the solar panels. To be hornets, knowing how much weight your roof can endure is very crucial in determining the final size of the panel or whether you should go for ground-mounted solar panels. 

Panels can be very heavy but can vary depending on the manufacturer because sometimes panels with the same PV dimensions and numbers can have different weights depending on the brand. 

ProductCell CountWeight
Astronergy 365W7248.6 lbs
Canadian Solar 325W6042.3 lbs
Mission Solar 385W7252 lbs
Solarland SLP1203623 lbs

Again if you are still confused about the size and weight of the panel, consult a solar provider. Companies now offer virtual consultations where they estimate the panel numbers and size for your home or business via satellites. 

 Do Solar Panels Weigh
2.1 : How Much Do Solar Panels Weigh?

Pros and Cons of Different Solar Panel Sizes

Every solar panel size brings something good with it but may also have some disadvantages. Here is what you can expect from different solar panel dimensions. 

60-cell panels


They are more compact

Can fit in small spaces

Less prone to damage 


Provide less output

More panels are required to fulfill the energy demand 

96 and 72-cell panels


More output per panel

Less per watt cost 

More efficiency is expected 


Larger in size so the cost of installation and transport may double

Can not fit smaller spaces 

Prone to damage 

Final Analysis 

Solar panel size helps you find out what is the best for you. While switching to solar energy, never overlook solar panel dimensions because that will help get a better return on investment if choose carefully. 

What if you install a solar panel bigger than you need and how you do not know what to do with the excess energy production? Or what if your solar panel is smaller than you need according to the sunlight in your area and demand, both can cost you life lifelong investment. 

Therefore, dig deep, gain some knowledge about the subject, and then consult with experienced solar providers for the utmost benefit. 

How to Size your Solar Power System by DIY Solar Power with Will Prowse


What is the size of a typical solar panel?

The size of a solar panel depends on number of cells. There are commonly, three sizes available, 60 cells, 72 cells, 96 cells solar panels. 

How do I calculate what size solar panel I need?

To figure out how many solar panels you need, divide your hourly solar energy demand by the solar panel’s wattage. An average home may need 17 to 25 solar panels depending on the efficiency rating, brand, material, and sunny hours in your area.

What is the average solar installation size in the US?

The average solar panel may vary between 18 to 23 given or take one of two panels. The total system size may cover 375 square feet to 429 square feet area. 

How many solar panels are needed for a house? 

Different house sizes have different demands. To round up, a 1-2 bedroom house will need a solar PV system of 1kWp which will provide an annual energy output of 790kWh and a 4-5 bedroom house will need 5kWp for annual energy production of 3700 kWh. However, it may also depend on the manufacturer and material of the panel and the location of the house. 

Does size matter in solar panels?

Yes, size matters when it comes to solar panels because it decides the initial investment you have to make to go solar and how many solar panels you will need to produce the desired energy. 

About the author

Henry Jackson


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