Solar Panels

Introducing the Largest Solar-Powered Steel Mill In Colorado

Written by Henry Jackson

In a step towards reducing the world’s carbon footprint, Evarz Rocky Mountain Steel switched to solar panels. Evraz North America has a steel plant in Pueblo, Colorado. 

This large solar project is present in the heart of Rockie and was collaborated by Xcel Energy and Lightsource BP in 2019. 

Bighorn Solar Project was a dream that became reality through passion, sheer hard work, and innovative ideas. 

The CEO of Lightsource BP< Kavin Smith said, “ This project is proof that even actors like steel can be decarbonized when companies join the innovative solution.” 

He further stated that “ our collaboration with Evarz North America and Xcel Energy made the Bighorn solar project a reality and this is the kind of partnership important to resolve U.S industries’ complicated issues while conserving manufacturing and job sectors.”

Diving Into The History of Evarz Steel Plant 

Evarz Steel was founded in 1881 and is known to be a rich steel mill in America’s Industrial history. 

Pueblo remained one of the only steel suppliers in the Western U.S. during the 20th century. Evarz Pueblo also played a major role in linking goods and people in the Rockies. 

However, when the United States started importing steel, this steel mill lost its production and the majority of the rail manufacturing business. As Union Pacific Railroad was one of the largest buyers of Pueblo’s mill, it started importing steel from Japan’s corporations and lost 70% of its business. 

The steel import trades had a very negative impact on local workers and companies. However, in 2018, section 232 was introduced which put a 25% tariff on steel imports. This decision revived the local steel industry including Evarz North America as it finally began the journey of better business. 

History of Evarz Steel Plant 
1.1 : Diving Into The History of Evarz Steel Plant 

What Bighorn Solar Steel Projact Entails?

This massive solar steel project will provide energy for Evarz’s Rocky Mountain Steel mill spanning over 1800 acres. This largest onsite solar project has a 20-year fixed-rate structure so the mill can maintain predictable energy prices. 

Moreover, this project allows 1600 employees to live in the Pueblo area. More than 750000 solar panels are installed on 1800 acres will generate 300 MW of energy enough to sustain the steel plant. 

The total installation cost of the project was $285 million which seems impossible but Lightsoruce BP and other investors made the funds possible, isn’t it a passion for renewable energy? 

On a sunny day, when the production of solar energy will be at its peak, the excess energy will be sold to the Colorado grid. At night, the mill is expected to get energy from the grid but some of the power will be provided by Xcel Energy’s wind farms.

 Furthermore, the solar array will provide 90% of the energy demand of the mill which will reduce the 500,000 metric tons of the emission of greenhouse gasses that horribly affect our environment.

A study also shows that 500000 gas emissions equals 92000 vehicles powered by fuel. 

Skip Herals, CEO of Evarz North America said at the project dedication, “ Like BP and Xcel, we are also committed to reducing carbon emission and bringing more sustainability in operations. Also, with each acre of solar installation, we are closer to the aim of making Evarz the greenest steel facility in the world. 

Xcel also made some statements elaborating on the importance of the project and how it will help to deliver 55% renewable energy to the state’s power grid by 2026 and achieve a 60%  reduction in carbon footprint. Additionally, the Bighorn project aims to provide 100% decarbonized energy to customers by 2050. 

Solr energy will help to provide the mill with enough energy to process more than 1 billion pounds of steel in 100 meter long sections. These sections will be welded to make one-quarter mile long sections that will dispatched all across North America. 

The use of solar energy will also power an arced electrical furnace that melts old scrap metal to make new clean steel.

Another advantage of the Bighorn project is that it created 300 direct jobs in the area and is expected to generate $22 million in local tax revenue. 

Solar Steel Projact Entails
2.1 : What Bighorn Solar Steel Projact Entails?

Final Analysis

The steel industry is responsible for 8% of the carbon emissions in the world. Each ton of steel production resulted in 1.85 tons of carbon dioxide as of 2018. 

Replacing fuel with solar power eliminates the hazardous addition of carbon to our atmosphere which urges steel companies to seek solar energy. Pueblo Steel Mill realized the importance of sustainable solutions and took this big step to reduce its gas emissions by 33% by 2030. 

Being the largest steel plant in the USA, it is an exemplary decision that will open ways for other small-scale or large-scale steel mills to join the cause. 

Lastly, Colorado is aiming to reduce its environmental pollution through the Colorado Energy Plan. This plan was approved by the Colorado Public Utilities Commission and is one of the largest in the U.S.

The aim of this program was to reduce carbon emissions and add an exceptional share of renewable energy resources to the state’s grid. The idea behind this plan is to not only make the environment more sustainable but also drive jobs and boost the economy.

Colorado steel mill is now largely powered by solar, among the first in the world by @Denver7


Where is the world’s largest solar-powered steel mill program?

The largest solar-powered steel mill plan is in Colorado. Evarz Rocky Mountain Steel mill turned to solar power to reduce its carbon emissions and have a sustainable source of energy. 

What is the largest solar project in Colodaro? 

Bighorn Solar is the largest solar steel plant in the US. It is present in the heart of the city of Pueblo

How much solar does Colorado have? 

Colorado has been going solar abundantly over the years. Centennial State has adequate solar energy to generate electricity for 515688 homes. 

Is solar power big in Colorado?

Yes, solar energy in Colorado produced 3785 GWh of solar energy last year much more than 518 GWh in 2013. This energy is enough to power 355968 homes for a year. 

Why Colorado is good for solar energy? 

Colorado has more than 300 sunny days in a year which makes it a perfect location to generate renewable energy and is the first state in the U.S. to have Renewable Energy standards.

About the author

Henry Jackson


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