
Woltk Mining Guide: Leveling From 1-450

Written by Henry Jackson

Mining is a straightforward profession but is also versatile. I can help you make plenty of gold because it provides the raw material for most of the recipes. In this Woltk Mining Guide, we will explain the most important things to skill up from zero to hero. But first, let’s take a look at why you should choose this profession.

Wotlk Mining Guide: The Benefits of Mining

Mining is the key to success in wotlk because this gathering profession provides major materials required to make gear. From Blacksmith to jewelcrafting almost every other profession has something to do with mining.

Metal bars, prospect ore, and little gold making while exploring the World of Warcraft are a few highlights. However, it also has some other features to offer such as Toughness and Fine minerals that help to make the most out of the profession and leveling ultimately to 450.

Wotlk Mining Leveling Guide: From Begging to the End

In mining there are two ways to level up the game, one is smelting which I will explain in the next section and the other is mining itself. Both have great potential for skill-ups, but first, let’s see how you can level by mining.

Mining is a relatively longer method of leveling as you have to mine the materials, and smelt it to skill up. You can make plenty of gold through mining the metals and ores are always in high demand from other Wotlk professions. Moreover, if you are pairing a crafting profession with mining, you can make exciting gear to use for end-game content.


To level up from 1-65, you have to mine copper in Dun Morogh or Durotar.


To skill up at these levels, you should look for copper, tin, and silver ore in Hillsbard Foothills, Loch Modan, Darkshore, or Barren. You can start here after learning journeyman mining to level up to 125.


At these levels, the place to mine is Arathi Highlands to mine Iron. Thousand Needles and Desolace are also good spots. You can visit the nearest trainer and learn expert mining. Iron and Gold ore are the main targets at these levels.


Once you reach 175, you can mine Mithril. To get access to this ore you must head to Minterlands or Tanaris.


When you reach level 225, you must learn artisan training and continue to mine mithril at the same mining route until you reach 245.


At 245 you can mine small Thorium veins until you get to 275 skill up. Here, you have access to rich thorium veins. You can mine this ore in Plaglands as well as Winterspring. Make sure to ore where it is less crowded and skill up to level 300.


Once you are at 300 miming skill, you can enter the Outlands. Here you gain the ability to find further ore but you must head to the trainers in the Outland to learn mining in this zone. You will mine Fel Iron Ore in the outlands of Hellfire Peninsula along the mining route of your minimap.


Adamantite ore is the target here. This one has plenty of nodes in Nagrand in Zangarmarsh. Mining Adamantine will take you to level 375. However, if you are at 350, you can take some time to mine Cobalt Ore. This ore is very profitable and you must get it to make some money.  You will also find Fel Iron Ore in Zangarmarsh, mining both ore gives skill ups.

Wotlk Mining Guide
1.1 : Wotlk Mining Leveling Guide: From Begging to the End

Leveling Mining in Northrend

If you have already plates previous extensions, you can directly start from Leveling in Northrend, but if you are new in the World of Warcraft, your journey will start from Azeroth (1-300). Once you are in the Wotlk, you can learn Grand Master training because the zone begins from here.


At this level, you will be mining Cobalt. You can visit Borean Tundra because it has accessible ore nodes. However, if this area has many players you can switch to Grizzly Hills after reaching level 375.


In Sholazar Basin is the major zone for mining ore because of the abundance of veins. Here you can quickly mine ore and skill up to the maximum level. If you find this area crowded Wintergrasp is the best alternative as it is less contested and has adequate Saronite.

Now that you have the maximum skill level, you can mine Titanium, a rare but profitable ore that is used by jewelcrafting professionals to prospect and get epic gems.

Leveling Mining in Northrend
1.2 : Leveling Mining in Northrend

Wotlk Mining Trainers

Training is vital to move on in the game by learning skills. You can find trainers all the way from Azeroth to Northrend to learn various levels of training.

Azeroth Mining Trainers (1-300)


  • You can find the following Alliance trainers to skill up to respective levels.
  • Gelman Stonehand in Stormwind
  • Matt Johnson in Duskwood
  • Yarr Hammerston in Dun Morogh
  • Dank Drizzlecut in Dun Morogh
  • Geofram Bouldertoe in IronForge
  • Kurdram Stonehammer in Darkshore
  • Dulvi in Azuremyst Isle
  • Muaat in The Exodar
  • Prospector lachlan in Bloomyst Isle


  • Brom Killian in Udercity
  • Johan Focht in Silverpine Forest
  • Brek Stonehoof in Thuderbluff
  • Krun in Durotar
  • Makaru in Orgrimmar
  • Beli in Silvermoon

Outlands Mining Trainers (300-375)

  • Hurnak Grimmord in Hellfire Peninsula (Alliance)
  • Krugosh in Hellfire Peninsula (Horde)

Northrend Mining Trainers (375-450)


  • Fendrig Redbeard in Borean Tundra
  • Grumbol Stoutpick in Howling Fjord


  • Brunna Ironaxe in Borean Tundra
  • Jonathan Lewis Howling Fjord


Jedidiah Handers in Dalaran

Wotlk Mining Trainers
2.1 : Wotlk Mining Trainers

Wotlk Mining Guide: Leveling by Smelting

As I mentioned previously, smelting is a great skill that can be used to level up fast but it can be expensive as you may have to buy ore from the auction house. If you do not want to buy anything and still want to use smelting, you have a way.

So when you gather an ore you can smelt it while a forge is nearby. Smelting turns the ore into metal bars which are very significant for crafting professions such as Wotlk Tailoring, Blacksmithing and Jewelcrafting.

However, keep in mind that ore is more expensive than metal bar, therefore, I recommend smelting to make bars for your paired crafting profession rather than selling. So let’s take a look at which ore can be smelt at which level.

  • 1-65: Copper
  • 65-70: Tin
  • 70-90: Bronze
  • 90-125: Silver
  • 125-155: Iron
  • 175-230: Mithril
  • 230-250: Truesilver
  • 250-290: Thorium
  • 290-300: Mine Thorium for further level up
  • 300-315: Fel Iron
  • 315-325: Mine Fel Iron to level up
  • 325-340: Adamantite
  • 340-350: Mine Adamantite to level
  • 350-375: Cobalt
  • 375-400: Saronite
  • 400-450: Titanium

In Wotlk mining, you can not ignore two main ores Titanium and Saronite. These are essential to make end-game items and needed in bulk. Titanium is also useful in enchants.

Wotlk Mining Guide
3.1 : Wotlk Mining Guide: Leveling by Smelting

Final Analysis

Mining has always been a remarkably popular profession in WoW and this continues to the Wotlk expansion. For ultimate success in Wrath of Lich king, you can choose ming and engineering which will be helpful in wotlk classic gold making and gear at the same time.

WOTLK Mining Guide 1-450 (Routes, Trainers & More ) by GuideMMO


Is there any benefit of Mining in Wotlk?

Yes, There are multiple benefits of choosing mining as a profession in Wotlk. You can mine and smelt ore to make bars which are always high in demand. Mining gives passive ability to increase stamina and is very handy for the other professions. Last but most important, mining is  a relatively easy way to make gold.

Is mining a Primary Profession in Wotlk?

Yes, Mining is s primary gathering profession in Wotlk. Characters can choose it as a second profession to learn gathering ore and make bars in northrend.

What is the fastest way to make Money in Wotk?

Is there any benefit of Mining in Wotlk?
Yes, There are multiple benefits of choosing mining as a profession in Wotlk. You can mine and smelt ore to make bars which are always high in demand. Mining gives passive ability to increase stamina and is very handy for the other professions. Last but most important, mining is  a relatively easy way to make gold.
Is mining a Primary Profession in Wotlk?
Yes, Mining is s primary gathering profession in Wotlk. Characters can choose it as a second profession to learn gathering ore and make bars in northrend.

How to level up mining In wotlk?

Mining leve up is very simple all you have to do is mine ore in various zones of northrend. You can get grandmaster training in wotlk to mine saronite, cobalt and titanium at different levels from 375-450.

How much Stamina does mining give?

Mining have a buff called Toughness which gives different stamina at different ranks. If you have Rank 1 toughness, you can get 3 stamina at 75 mining skill. Rank 2 provides 5 stamina at 150 skill, Rank 3 gives & stamina at 225 skill, and Rank 4 gives 10 stamina at 300 mining skill. Rank 5 and 6 gives 30 and 60 stamina at 375 and 450 mining skill respectively.

About the author

Henry Jackson


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