
Wotlk Classic Gold Making: Professions and Farm Guide

Written by Henry Jackson

Wotlk Classic Gold making is an area of incredible interest for players. Since the release of wotlk, debates have been going on at every gaming forum about how to make gold in Wotlk as gold is significant to survive in the game.

You will need gold to buy things such as mounts, consumables, and materials and eventually to level up your game, but it can be very overwhelming to keep up with market knowledge and the economics of the system.

Although there are many ways to make gold farming your gold and using the right profession for the purposes is very important. If you are still in the dark about the absolute potential of gold-making in wotlk, you have come to the right place.

In this article, you can learn about the essentials of farming gold, the best locations, and the best profession for gold making in Wotlk Classic.

Why Gold Making in Wotlk Classic is Important?

Gold is not only a vital trade in the real world because the virtual world of wotlk totally depends on it. With the new expansion comes a new area of exploration and even a profession known as inscription therefore,  players will need to be rich to make it through.

For instance, you may need to buy food, toys, and pets, you may also need some mounts, pre-raid Bind equipment gear, or cosmetics, therefore, gold making will be wise to get rich so that you can have it all. Moreover, if you are using an Inscription profession, you will also need gold for Glyphas. 

Where to Farm Gold In Wotlk Classic

Farming money at various spots in Northrend can be a little bit grinding but it is worth it. The following are the best locations to farm gold and earn some money.

  • If you want gold and some farming experience, Grizzly Hills is a place to go. It is a low-level farming spot with reasonable farming potential.
  • Another location that might do your bidding is Venture CO. Excavator in Sholazar Basin. If you have blue or green items to sell, it’s your way to go.
  • Strom Peaks is a place where you can find Cvadweller Wrong in abundance. The Worg Haunch and Chilled Meat are great to farm under the Terrace of the Makers.
  • Also, in the Strom Peaks, you can farm Iceweb Spider Silk from Crystalweb Weaver.

If you successfully frame the mentioned objects in the following locations, you will get a good price to trade them and make gold.

 Farm Gold In Wotlk Classic
2.1 : Where to Farm Gold In Wotlk Classic

Best Woltk Gold-Making Professions

Although every woltk profession is remarkable for its unique character, bonuses, and profits for the end game, not all professions can be good money-making ones.

Therefore, you must consider which profession you want to choose at any time in the game. As there are three types of professions, crafting gathering, and secondary professions.

While Crafting is best for making items it might come heavy on investment, however, gathering can be a good trade for being the most profitable professional category.


Herbalism is one of the most resourceful professions because it trades a lot throughout the world and has something to sell to any profession. It is a steady stream of income.

Now that Wotlk has an Inscription profession, herbalism has become more important to sell herbs to make ink of the rune. Alchemists are always looking for flasks and potions that depend on herbalism for supplies of plants to make through the raiding.

Moreover, if you gather Goldclover, Tiger Lily, Icethorn, and Lichboom from various zones of the Northrend such as Borean Tundra and Sholazar Basin, you can these into Eternal Life and Sold for money.


Mining is another promising Wotlk gold-making profession. It is also very versatile as a mining player can trade all the materials to a vast range of professions. Whether engineering, leatherworking, Blacksmithing, or Jewelcrafting, all these professions are in desperate need of raw materials such as ores and metal all the time.

Mining is very easy because all you have to do is get training from grandmaster trainers in the Northrend regions and run to gather the materials or if you have a flying mount, flying makes the gathering more handy.

In the Wotlk engineering profession, Minning is the players’ favorite to provide materials for making leveling items for engineering. However, you can join any gathering or crafting profession that suits your end-game content.


Skinning is another profitable profession in the Wotlk gold-making business. In TBC this one lost its charm but thankfully, skinning characters can now make decent money. In this profession, the player has to use a skinning knife to kill and skin beasts and get their skin for leather which can be sold to leatherworking and other crafting professions.

In Northerned, you can learn grandmaster skinning from trainers across the zone. You might want to give extra attention to Arctic Fur which is very important to purchase leatherworking recipes so always have it to trade.

If you are wondering about the best wotlk farming classes, we have Paladins, mage, and Druide. These three classes have a tilt for spot farming and gathering materials when combined with the gathering profession.

Some Tips to Make Gold in Wotlk

Apart from taking advantage of your profession for money-making, you can also use these tips to get the most out of the game. Remember, you must have knowledge of the market and stock up for upcoming events because sometimes by the end you gather or make an item to sell, other sellers are already swarming the market and getting high prices for the items.

You can also make money from killing dungeon bosses, earn points, and bid loot in raids. However, if you can not do all this bothersome work, Wotlk gives opportunity to earn gold by just playing the game. You must do daily quests and daily dungeons to build up gold fast.

Gold Making
4.1 : Some Tips to Make Gold in Wotlk

Final Analysis

So that is all from the Wotlk Classic Gold-making guide, a simpler and easier way to get up and start earning. Although you can use these tips and start farming, there are also other options such as dual talent specializations.

Remember, investing in the game happens but make sure to use the right strategy to earn the gold back by analyzing the market.

About the author

Henry Jackson

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