
Wowhead WotLK: Everything You Need to Know About the Second Expansion of World of Warcraft

Written by Henry Jackson


World of Warcraft is one of the best role-play games where you choose a particular role. The game’s developers have introduced a second edition of the game, Wrath of the Lich King. The players of the games are aware of the fun and excitement the game offers. The second edition has brought the same excitement back with many new changes and rewards, which the existing players and novices will highly enjoy. 

The purpose of this guide is to make you aware of this new edition and tell you how you can master the game and rank up in the players, and explore further resources like WotLK Professions Guide. All these tricks and tips will be provided to you in Wowhead WotLK . All the newly introduced changes have been comprehensively covered in this guide. 

How do you access Wowhead WotLK and navigate its interface?

Wowhead WotLK and navigate
1.1 : How do you access Wowhead WotLK and navigate its interface?

The access to the guide is straightforward. Just visit its website, and you will see the following options which you can use to navigate:

As the name suggests, this tool enables you to look for anything in the game. Just type the item, zone, quest, etc., you are looking for, and it will take you there. To maximise the utility, you can use advanced search—for instance, type quest:reward: mount, redirecting you to the investigations that reward mount. 


This feature allows you to apply filters to your search results and find exactly what you are looking for. 


Do you want to have insight into your search? The interface has the tabs option on which you can click, and any comments, reviews, videos, etc., on your searched item will be shown to you. You can also post comments or reviews by logging in through your Wowhead WotLK account.

As on any other website, the menus option allows access to different website sections. The areas include news, guides, forums, etc. You can read the directions by the expert players to have in-depth knowledge of the game.


The information will be shown in tooltips if you hover your cursor over an item. Just hover over the article, and the effects of it will be shown.

How do you use Wowhead WotLK to prepare for the Wrath of the Lich King content?

 Lich King content
2.1 : How do you use Wowhead WotLK to prepare for the Wrath of the Lich King content?

The gameplay is only manageable with guidance. If you want to play like a pro, you should prepare before entering the play zone. Wowhead WotLK will provide tips and tricks in different domains, such as levelling up, choosing professions, and gearing up.

To enter the second edition, you must level up your character from 60 to 70. Just complete the quests in the first edition, and the surface will be levelled up. Wowhead WotLK will enable you to level up rapidly by providing guidelines. If you want to track your progress, use the quest tracker option.

How do you use Wowhead WotLK to explore the Wrath of the Lich King zones, dungeons, raids, and events?

Wowhead WotLK to explore the Wrath of the Lich King
3.1 : Wowhead WotLK to explore the Wrath of the Lich King

You will be able to enter Northrend after reaching level 70.  Northrend is the area that has been included in the second expansion. The site has a lot of dungeons, events, raids, and zones. All these things are explained in the guides of Wowhead WotLK, which you can learn and master the game. The platform will also help you learn how to access different raids and dungeons. Information regarding various events will also be provided. 

The area has ten zones, each having distinct features. The characteristics of each are given below:

Borean Tundra: 

This is your entry point into Northrend. Home to the Tuksar race, the zone is cold and barren. The Tuksar race welcomes both the Alliance and the hordes. Blue dragon flights are also found in the area. They fight to protect magic from evil forces. Dungeons like The Oculus and The Nexus are also found here.

Howling Fjord: 

Home to dungeons Utgarde Pinnacle and Utgarde Keep, the zone is rugged and full of scenery. The vrykul race, the worshipers of Lich King, is found here. The iron dwarves who dig up the relics and secrets in the area are also found here. This is also the starting zone; you can go in it instead of Borean Tundra. 

Dragon light: 

A resurrection place for dragons, the zone is the connecting area for many other zones. In this zone, you can experience the battle between blue dragon lights and other dragon flights. Many significant quests, such as the Wrathgate and the battle for the Undercity, are also available in this zone. The Eye of Eternity and The Obsidian Sanctum are among the most challenging dungeons, and they are also found in this zone.

Grizzly Hills: 

The zone is more of a battleground where many factions fight, such as the Venture Company is aring for profit, and the Furbolgsshting to eliminate corruption, etc. It is a forested region with many natural resources and wildlife. Fun quests, such as the Drakkensryd and the Amphitheater of Anguish, are also found here, and the most exciting dungeon of Drak’Tharon Keep is also found in this zone.


How many professions can you have in Wrath of the Lich King? 

You must choose two primary professions from Enchanting, Blacksmithing, Engineering, Herbalism, Inscription, Cooking, Alchemy, etc. You are also supposed to have three secondary professions, which you can choose from skiing, First Aid, and Fishing.

How do I prepare for Wrath of the Lich King? 

A character level of at least 68 is required to play in the second expansion. The class can be achieved by completing dungeons and quests in the first variant of the game. You can access the guides to help you with it to level up faster. The equipment required to succeed in Northrend must also be chosen. 

What did Wrath of the Lich King add? 

The new variant has many exciting features, such as the Death Knight, a new hero class, Northrend, a continent to explore, and a new inscription profession. You can make scrolls, glyphs, and other items using this profession. A new system that rewards you for completing challenges and tasks has also been introduced. Moreover, new zones, raids, dungeons, and exciting events have also been introduced.

What is the central city in Wrath of the Lich King? 

Dalaran is the principal city in this second expansion of the game. It is a mage city that is floating on the water. It is a nonaligned city as it has the portals for the Alliance and Horde cities. The city also houses many essential quest-givers and traders. But to access the city, you must level up the character to 74 levels. If you have reached the level where the flight point and mage portal are unlocked, you can also make them here.

Final Analysis

Wrath of the Lich King is the second expansion of the game World of Warcraft. In this expansion, a new continent, Northrend, has been included, and if you want to become a master of this exciting and thrilling game, Wowhead WotLK is an essential guide for you. The focus will explain everything regarding the expansion that must be known to you, and all the new expansion features will become apparent to you. After introducing this new continent, the game has become very interesting for both the pro players and the novices. And Wowhead WotLK is the guide you need to enhance your gameplay experience. The website can access the directory. The game also has many forums where different techniques, strategies, guidelines, etc., are shared by the expert players of the game. Visit the website, learn the tips and tricks, and enjoy the game.

About the author

Henry Jackson


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